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Smell the roses.

Updated: Jul 27, 2023

My mum-she picked a bud today,

a tiny little rose.

I liked the way its petals

lingered on my nose.

When I opened wide for it,

my mum- she pulled it back.

Softest little blossom,

my tender little snack!

My mum-she picked a bud today,

a flower just for me.

So I could find it memorable,

our outing- me and she.

A natural little wonder,

this tiny little bloom,

embellished me with laughter,

then wilted far too soon.

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Shalamar Iris
Shalamar Iris
Jan 30, 2021

Thank you lovely mother-in-law. 💜


Jan 29, 2021

Such a precious video. You did a beautiful job with the poem. Love you girls so much.

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